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Ho! Ho! HOLD the Tinsel!!

By December 12, 2016 May 21st, 2024 Uncategorized

The Holiday Season is upon us and with it all of the decorating and celebrating that so many enjoy.  Be sure to keep your holiday Pet Safe this year.  

Here is a link to a great article about pet safety over the Holidays provided by the ASPCA.

Remember that cats love to play and chew on things and once they start to swallow something long it will keep stimulating them to swallow, i. e. ribbon or tinsel.  Dogs will often investigate and taste snacks left out.  Many cats will too.  Nuts can be fatal to cats if swallowed – only Macadamia nuts are toxic, but almonds and similar sized nuts can cause a fatal blockage of their intestinal tract – be sure to keep these out of reach and pick any up off the floor that spill!

From all of us at the Atlantic Cat Hospital – here is wishing you and your pets a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!

~ Dr. Julia